【用法與用量】可取三七3-5朵防入杯中,80度水沖泡即可飲用花程式的表達為直觀、簡捷地表達植物花的結構,常用以下兩種方式?;ǔ淌剑河没ǖ母鞑糠值挠⑽幕蚶∥牡牡谝粋€字母來表示花各部,并按從里到外的原則描寫花的構造。以薔薇科蘋果屬和蝶形花科刺槐屬的花程式為例來解釋:蘋果屬(Malus) *Ca5Co5A∞G(5:5:2) 或 *K5C5A∞G(5:5:2)刺槐屬(Robinia) ↑Ca5Co5A10G(1:1:∞) 或 ↑K5C5A10G(1:1:∞)* = 花冠輻射對稱(actinomorphic);↑ = 花冠兩側對稱(zygomorphic;♂ = 雄花(male unisexual flower);♀ = 雌花(female unisexual flower);Ca(K) = 花萼(calyx: or whorl of sepals);Co(C) = 花瓣:(corolla: or whorl of petals);CaCo或P = 花被(perianth:if sepals and petals are alike termed "tepals");A = 雄蕊(群)(Androecium: or whorl of stamens);G = 雌蕊(群)(Gynoecium: or ovary bearing carpels);∞ = 多數(shù)(many);數(shù)字 = 花各部數(shù)目;G() = 心皮合生(fully fused carpels);G = 子房上位(ovary inferior to insertion point of the other whorls.The floral whorls are hypogenous to the gynoecium);G = 子房下位(ovary inferior to insertion point of the other whorls. The floral whorls are epigynous to the gynoecium);G = 子房半下位(ovary inferior to superior-variation exists within the family; or half inferior);CaCo or CoA = 花萼與花瓣或花瓣與雄蕊聯(lián)合(adnate; or fusion of two different floral Whorls)。 花程式可能是: K(5),C1+2+(2)A(9)+1,G1∶1∶∞具體可參考: http://baike.baidu.com/view/542707.htm